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Utilizing Artificial Intelligence to Establish Face Validity in Development of Patient Satisfaction Questionnaires: A Proof of Concept Study

Original Article     April 2024
Ravi Soekram and Naledi Botha
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/ERVY8


This manuscript presents a pioneering investigation into the application of artificial intelligence (AI) for enhancing the face validity of patient satisfaction questionnaires, specifically in the context of surgical experiences. Face validity, the extent to which a questionnaire appears to measure what it intends to measure, is a crucial aspect of questionnaire development. Traditional methods rely heavily on expert opinions and iterative revisions, which can be time-consuming and subjective. In this study, we introduce an innovative approach leveraging AI, particularly the ChatGPT model, to assist in refining the face validity of a sample questionnaire designed to assess patient satisfaction following surgical procedures. Our proof of concept study demonstrates the feasibility and potential of incorporating AI technologies in the questionnaire development process, offering efficient and objective insights for enhancing face validity.

Suggested Citation:

Soekram R, Botha N. Utilizing artificial intelligence to establish face validity in the development of patient satisfaction questionnaires: a proof of concept study. Open Clinical Annals. 2024:1(1):5-9. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/ERVY8

Utilizing Artificial Intelligence to Establish Face Validity in Development of Patient Satisfaction : Files


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