Instructions for Authors
Details on article types, formatting, and the submission process
Article Types
Original research articles, reviews with or with our meta analysis, technical reports, case series, case reports, perspectives, and clinical image reports. Reach out if you feel your manuscript does not fit one of these categories.
Clinical Image Submission
The only article type with strict formatting and content requirements. Submission should involve one or more interesting and insightful clinical images accompanied by a brief narrative providing background on the case. 300-500 words. 5 references maximum.
Word limits?
No, but you may be asked to edit for conciseness during review process.
- AMA Style
-Cite in text as a bracketed number. ex: [2] [2,3] [2-5,6]
-Order references in the order in which they appear in text
All articles require abstract. Structured or unstructured. 200 words recommended maximum.
Tables and Figures?
No overt limits on quantity. They may be placed in text of manuscript, but must also be submitted as a separate file. Tables preferred submit in Word format.
Title page and Cover Letter?
Cover Letter- Not required
Title Page Requirements:
Title: Keep it concise and informative, as titles are vital for information retrieval. Avoid using abbreviations and complex formulas whenever possible.
Author Names and Affiliations: Clearly list the given name(s) and family name(s) of each author, ensuring accurate spelling. Affiliation addresses (where the work was conducted) should be provided below the names. Use lower-case superscript letters to indicate affiliations, and include the full postal address of each affiliation, along with the country name and authors' email addresses if available.
Information regarding ethics, conflict of interest, IRB approval (if needed).
Corresponding Author: Clearly identify the individual responsible for handling correspondence throughout the review and publication process, including post-publication. Ensure their email address is provided and kept up-to-date for future queries.
Present/Permanent Address: If an author has moved since the completion of the work or was visiting at the time, indicate a 'Present address' or 'Permanent address' as a footnote. The address where the work was actually conducted must remain as the main affiliation address, with superscript Arabic numerals used for footnotes.
General formatting
Times New Roman 12pt single space preferred.
General outlines-
A. Abstract Intro Materials and Methods Results Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Disclosures/COI, References
B. Abstract Intro Case Description Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Discosures/COI, References
Reviews may be structured to the authors preference
Submission Process
Email Manuscript, Table/figure files, and any other files as attachments to
Please include in subject line "ARTICLE SUBMISSION"
Upon Acceptance and Final Proof Approval
-Sign Open Access copyright agreement
-Provide attestation all authors approve final copy