The Persisting Role of Cervical Ferning in Diagnosis of Rupture of Membranes
Clinical Image April 2024
Chioma Chukwuemeka and Kehinde Adeyemi Onyekachi
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/YF25C
The synergistic effects of arborization, nitrazine test, and patient history/physical were initially explored in the 1960s. This report underscores the persistent role of cervical ferning as an established and cost effective approach in diagnosing ruptured membranes, and guiding appropriate management and monitoring in pregnant patients with suspected membrane rupture.
Suggested Citation:
Chukwuemeka C, Onyekachi KA. The persisting role of cervical ferning in diagnosis of rupture of membranes. Open Clinical Annals. 2024:1(1):10-11. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/YF25C